ive been running and working out every day since craig has been gone! im pretty proud of myself about that.
Im also very in love with this new song i found on Todays Letters blog. i've been listening to it all morning.
nice weather today and only one more day of classes after today!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
something to think about
i read recently some advice somewhere or another, i can't remember now, but the thought has stayed with me...
"if you can't do it for someone you love than..."
in context i think they were responding to someone when talking about going the extra mile for people you love. and its just really resounded with me, if you can't find the time in your day to do something special for the people you love, then who are you giving that time to instead?
hu-rah. first week of collage summer classes +no boyfriend= done!!
plus i have not run out of food yet! also special thanks to aunt bern and attie who brought me a fresh supply of fruit!!! yay family!
"if you can't do it for someone you love than..."
in context i think they were responding to someone when talking about going the extra mile for people you love. and its just really resounded with me, if you can't find the time in your day to do something special for the people you love, then who are you giving that time to instead?
hu-rah. first week of collage summer classes +no boyfriend= done!!
plus i have not run out of food yet! also special thanks to aunt bern and attie who brought me a fresh supply of fruit!!! yay family!
Monday, May 17, 2010
back at SMCM
Good news:
1. i have recovered my camera charger and thus will be taking pictures soon!
2. today is the first day of summer classes
3. I checked out lots of fun books from the library on this rainy day (Dr. Seuss, Persepolis, The complete Sherlock Holmes, and Europe Travel Book)
4. I have moved into my new room, and did not forget anything significant
5. I sucessfully cooked two meals for myself, last night i had risotto for dinner with sliced carrots, and this morning I had spring cherry tea with hard boiled eggs and toast. (yes mom the bread you made me)
6. I went for a jog
Not as Good news:
1. Craig flies to Italy today, where he will be for the next 15 days
2. I have ten straight hours of classes today
3. Its rainy out
4. The school gym is closed this week
5. The downstairs kitchen is infested with roaches. one crawled out of the oven this morning. gross. they are all over. I'm now very thankful for the personal fridge i have upstairs.
hmmm. well two weeks without my best friend around will be good for me i suppose. Not to mention he will be having tons of fun traveling italy playing music, drinking wine, and spending time with friends.
1. i have recovered my camera charger and thus will be taking pictures soon!
2. today is the first day of summer classes
3. I checked out lots of fun books from the library on this rainy day (Dr. Seuss, Persepolis, The complete Sherlock Holmes, and Europe Travel Book)
4. I have moved into my new room, and did not forget anything significant
5. I sucessfully cooked two meals for myself, last night i had risotto for dinner with sliced carrots, and this morning I had spring cherry tea with hard boiled eggs and toast. (yes mom the bread you made me)
6. I went for a jog
Not as Good news:
1. Craig flies to Italy today, where he will be for the next 15 days
2. I have ten straight hours of classes today
3. Its rainy out
4. The school gym is closed this week
5. The downstairs kitchen is infested with roaches. one crawled out of the oven this morning. gross. they are all over. I'm now very thankful for the personal fridge i have upstairs.
hmmm. well two weeks without my best friend around will be good for me i suppose. Not to mention he will be having tons of fun traveling italy playing music, drinking wine, and spending time with friends.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
all alone
First of all... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
I love you mom. thanks for all the awesome things you do like paying for college and food and stuff. drive safe tomorrow when you come down to maryland.
I was going to post a picture of us, but i realized i didnt have any, so maybe we should take some pictures together sometime.

So this is what i took a picture of instead. asia moved out for the summer.
last night in Queen Anne at St. Marys until... fall of 2011 if things go according to plan, which they never do.
of course yes i will be here all summer in PG so the feeling of nostalgia is short lived, but asia has moved out and with one side of the room empty it feels weird to be here.
It also feels like i have too much stuff.
This weekend was absolutely fabulous. spent some time at eastern market where mom number two and i got spinach empanadas and went flea market shopping and stopped by an old book store. one of those ones where they have books wall to wall and very small aisles which you have to squeeze through. of course i didn't actually buy anything, as i am saving up every penny. Uncle Chas, if you are reading this i used that handy metro card you got me!! thanks for that! And i will be using it again when i go get my visa sometime next week.
Then today craig and henry and mom #2 and i all went to the vegan cafe for brunch (ross and monica had left the day before for some reason...), which was of course very nice (the cafe, not the fact that ross and monica left).
So then craig and i headed home. and we stopped to get thai food. smile. mmm pad thai.
Now i am sitting alone in my room, thinking how weird it is that there is no one on the other side.
I have an additional goal to add to this summer: learn how to sew. like really sew. and to sew something.
-please keep my uncle richard and aunt bev in your thoughts as my cousin recently passed away after a violent incident and they are struggling with the loss.
I love you mom. thanks for all the awesome things you do like paying for college and food and stuff. drive safe tomorrow when you come down to maryland.
I was going to post a picture of us, but i realized i didnt have any, so maybe we should take some pictures together sometime.

So this is what i took a picture of instead. asia moved out for the summer.
last night in Queen Anne at St. Marys until... fall of 2011 if things go according to plan, which they never do.
of course yes i will be here all summer in PG so the feeling of nostalgia is short lived, but asia has moved out and with one side of the room empty it feels weird to be here.
It also feels like i have too much stuff.
This weekend was absolutely fabulous. spent some time at eastern market where mom number two and i got spinach empanadas and went flea market shopping and stopped by an old book store. one of those ones where they have books wall to wall and very small aisles which you have to squeeze through. of course i didn't actually buy anything, as i am saving up every penny. Uncle Chas, if you are reading this i used that handy metro card you got me!! thanks for that! And i will be using it again when i go get my visa sometime next week.
Then today craig and henry and mom #2 and i all went to the vegan cafe for brunch (ross and monica had left the day before for some reason...), which was of course very nice (the cafe, not the fact that ross and monica left).
So then craig and i headed home. and we stopped to get thai food. smile. mmm pad thai.
Now i am sitting alone in my room, thinking how weird it is that there is no one on the other side.
I have an additional goal to add to this summer: learn how to sew. like really sew. and to sew something.
-please keep my uncle richard and aunt bev in your thoughts as my cousin recently passed away after a violent incident and they are struggling with the loss.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
mothers day weekend
Yesterday Ross and Craig and Monica and I all packed up ross' car and headed home to the wixons for mothers day dinner/ Henry's opera concert/ and the boys playing with an orchestra in baltimore...
Last night craig and i made Gazpacho and fresh bread, and ross put together something that resembled a salad. I wish i had a camera (i left the battery charger in NJ over spring break) because it actually looked pretty good. and tasted alright too i guess. haha. Ross gave his mom Mr. Fantastic Fox and Henry gave her a box of chocolates, so we all sat around after dinner and picked at chocolates and watched Mr. Fantastic Fox. Which is a movie that comes highly recommended from both Craig and I.
There is much talk of ross leaving for grad school now. He goes to western michigan next year. I am hoping that when craig and i get home from traveling we will get to drive up and visit him there, because A) ross is the closest thing i have to a brother, and is just a super talented/nice guy and B) i have never been to michigan.
Since the boys are leaving us today... craig and ross to baltimore to play, and henry to his dress rehearsal in DC, today has officially been declared a girls day. and so nora/mom numero dos and i might go to the eastern market in DC later today and do some rummaging around if the weather stays nice. I should also do a bit of studying for my lit exam on monday...
on another note, does anyone know where i could purchase or go play with rosettes? those pretty clear plastic disks with the interlocking edges which allowed you to make pretty patterns...?
Yesterday Ross and Craig and Monica and I all packed up ross' car and headed home to the wixons for mothers day dinner/ Henry's opera concert/ and the boys playing with an orchestra in baltimore...
Last night craig and i made Gazpacho and fresh bread, and ross put together something that resembled a salad. I wish i had a camera (i left the battery charger in NJ over spring break) because it actually looked pretty good. and tasted alright too i guess. haha. Ross gave his mom Mr. Fantastic Fox and Henry gave her a box of chocolates, so we all sat around after dinner and picked at chocolates and watched Mr. Fantastic Fox. Which is a movie that comes highly recommended from both Craig and I.
There is much talk of ross leaving for grad school now. He goes to western michigan next year. I am hoping that when craig and i get home from traveling we will get to drive up and visit him there, because A) ross is the closest thing i have to a brother, and is just a super talented/nice guy and B) i have never been to michigan.
Since the boys are leaving us today... craig and ross to baltimore to play, and henry to his dress rehearsal in DC, today has officially been declared a girls day. and so nora/mom numero dos and i might go to the eastern market in DC later today and do some rummaging around if the weather stays nice. I should also do a bit of studying for my lit exam on monday...
on another note, does anyone know where i could purchase or go play with rosettes? those pretty clear plastic disks with the interlocking edges which allowed you to make pretty patterns...?
Thursday, May 6, 2010

with english checked off i felt i deserved a break to make another love list of etsy finds...
the last dress pictured is designed to look like the dress worn my the namesake star of the movie Emeline... which i love (the dress, the movie, and the girl)
I recently remembered that i havent eaten today. which is not as bad as Craig also not having eaten today. as craig lives in constant danger of becoming so skinny that he disappears altogether We should probably go to dinner soon. we have exactly enough blocks to eat one more meal at smcm. (we think the system messed up, because a week ago we had hundreds of blocks, but its not worth arguing at this point) farewell cafeteria food!
summer lovin
let me first just say, i am sitting on a bench outside campus center, next to a fountain. and the weather is everything beautiful!!
seriously. sunny skies with a hint of wind, perfect day to go swimming down at the docks.
I forgot to mention it on here but craig sang summer loving as a solo with the seamen... for all their spring performances (which was a lot of performances). It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.
so drawing is done! only two classes left to finish, one this afternoon and one on monday!
I started packing up last night. because even though im not going home for the summer, i am going to have to change buildings, and my parents are coming up to take much of my clothing home to make everything easier for me. but last night it was the most interesting thing to be putting all my stuff back in boxes, because i couldn't help but to think of when i packed for college and all the expectations i had coming to st. marys. like, i had felt compelled to bring a lot of hair products, which in hindsight was ridiculous, because no one at st. marys gives a shit about what your hair looks like, and so of course my expensive hair products are still unopened. im thinking of donating them to my little sister. who has a lot more hair than i do anyway.
another thing that i noticed last night, is that i have way too much stuff! like WAY too much stuff. I have more clothing than a small clothing store. and i wear maybe 50% of that. so in an attempt to simplify my life and make packing for next year much easier, i am hoping to weed through my clothing this summer and donate most of it to charities or friends. thats my goal for when i get home to n.j. in june: donate clothing, and get a job.
alright im going to stop putting off studying for english and get to it.
hope everyones day is as sunny as mine
seriously. sunny skies with a hint of wind, perfect day to go swimming down at the docks.
I forgot to mention it on here but craig sang summer loving as a solo with the seamen... for all their spring performances (which was a lot of performances). It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.
so drawing is done! only two classes left to finish, one this afternoon and one on monday!
I started packing up last night. because even though im not going home for the summer, i am going to have to change buildings, and my parents are coming up to take much of my clothing home to make everything easier for me. but last night it was the most interesting thing to be putting all my stuff back in boxes, because i couldn't help but to think of when i packed for college and all the expectations i had coming to st. marys. like, i had felt compelled to bring a lot of hair products, which in hindsight was ridiculous, because no one at st. marys gives a shit about what your hair looks like, and so of course my expensive hair products are still unopened. im thinking of donating them to my little sister. who has a lot more hair than i do anyway.
another thing that i noticed last night, is that i have way too much stuff! like WAY too much stuff. I have more clothing than a small clothing store. and i wear maybe 50% of that. so in an attempt to simplify my life and make packing for next year much easier, i am hoping to weed through my clothing this summer and donate most of it to charities or friends. thats my goal for when i get home to n.j. in june: donate clothing, and get a job.
alright im going to stop putting off studying for english and get to it.
hope everyones day is as sunny as mine
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
may fifth

almost done with being a freshman!
IVT final class was yesterday, we spent it handing out our zines. mine was posted on here, it was about the frosted elfin butterfly, which is endangered in MD.
I also recently got an email from my psychology teacher, which said that because i had an A in the class i am exempt from that final!
so my intro drawing final critique is today at three and i am including some pics from that project in this post.
in other good news, i think all my study abroad paperwork for our office of international education is now in... still have to go get those visas though.
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