Today I registered for classes!
This Fall I will be taking:
Methods of Literature
Postcolonial Literature
Lifespan Development
Drawing Studio
Intermediate Yoga
and working on my S(aint) M(ary's) P(roject)
It feels crazy but great to have registered for my senior year courses! My SMP proposal is not out of the water yet and I have been in touch with the English department pruning it to their desires everyday. It will, with any luck, be passed soon. The art department has already passed their half.
As far as summer classes go at SMCM I am registered for:
Introduction to Digital Media
Dreams and Cinema
Exceptionality (its an Ed. course)
I also hope to take the following online classes at AACC:
Creative Writing
Introduction to Graphic Design
And some course that would fulfill my cultural perspectives requirement (a language or something)
whoohoo! I will be exhaling for years if this schedule works out!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Bath! Yesterday we went to Bath... the day started off cloudy but ended up being pretty nice. Craig and i went and got tea and hot chocolate and explored the town in the rainy morning and then headed over to the bathhouses. We got little audio guides on which we could listen to Bill Bryson(!) and then spent a long time just sitting beside the water in the sunshine. Later we shared a glass of water from the natural hot spring which feeds the baths, which tasted just like the water from Mountain View, full of sulphur and copper. mmmm.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday, March 29
The photographs below are of a walk craig and I went on the other day... a bride, a dog, a bakery, magnolias, one of my favorite clothing stores: Toast. In other news, I went to yoga yesterday morning and since then have been feeling much healthier. I really do love yoga. Yoga and hydration are like my life mantras. that and smiling at babies. I have tried to make an effort lately to smile on the random babies I pass in their prams on the street. Anyways. Life has been good to me recently, Craig is getting over his intensive cold/the flu, and I have miraculously not contracted it (I accredit mom's amazing immune system she must have genetically passed down to me somehow), the Art half of my SMP got passed for next year, my schedule for this summer and next year is materializing (registration is the 31, don't let me forget!), spring is in the air, and my time in Oxford is coming to a close. I'm ready to say goodbye, not in a bad way, but more of in a peaceful way. I did what I came here to do. Im ready to leave Europe, for a little while at least, and go onto other things. I can always come back. But for now I'm looking forward no particular order... writing my children's book, working at a farm, running a full marathon, graduating with my bachelors degree, doing yoga even more regularly, seeing family and friends, having a job and a source of income, moving into my LQ "apartment" at SMCM, adopting a dog or a parrot, getting tan, getting a haircut, running on the cross country team, and getting a car. Not to say all of these things are actually going to happen, but hey i can dream.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Things to remember:
1. courses that could be useful for my SMP...
2. my future (dream) dog... don't be offended Happy you are still my number one cuddlebug.
2.5. this magazine would of course accompany my little apartment dog...
3. I'm training for this race:
in two weeks! whooohoo! After that... who knows? Im thinking of signing up for our varsity cross country team next year, but i guess we will first see how this race feels.
4. This summer- 3 classes at SMCM 3 classes online with AACC and a job or two lifeguarding with the short term goal of getting a car and an iphone and the long term goal of graduating this year!
2. my future (dream) dog... don't be offended Happy you are still my number one cuddlebug.
2.5. this magazine would of course accompany my little apartment dog...
3. I'm training for this race:
in two weeks! whooohoo! After that... who knows? Im thinking of signing up for our varsity cross country team next year, but i guess we will first see how this race feels.
4. This summer- 3 classes at SMCM 3 classes online with AACC and a job or two lifeguarding with the short term goal of getting a car and an iphone and the long term goal of graduating this year!
The Colleges of Oxford
As part of our integral, all of us in the program are participating in "home"-field-trips. This past Friday Craig and I wandered around with a group of CMRS students and Dr. Philpott touring the various colleges of Oxford and learning a bit about their histories. Craig was running a high temperature at the time, which explains his expressions in these pictures- it does not explain his interesting northface/preppy sweater look... not sure what was up with that, haha. <3
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