Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hold Me Accountable

In 2013 I intend to... 

work out more, commit 100% to mostly raw, gluten free Veganism, spend more quality time with family, eradicate negative thinking, surf this summer, de-clutter, finish my MRP, graduate with my masters in teaching, travel more (california), spend more time in nature, work on my photography and drawing, practice random acts of kindness, practice Reiki with my kids at school, drink more water, get at least 30 minutes of unprotected sun every day, do something every day that scares me (lame but i wish...), be better about answering emails, do more yoga, pray more, do more things that bring me joy, take lots of risks, go see more musicals, say "no" more, cut down on screen time, use my reusable bags all the time, have at least one green juice daily, buy a used prius, volunteer, teach my kids to follow their hearts, hang out with people who make me laugh, do whatever I can possibly do to end animal abuse in factory farming, start blogging more, run a marathon, be completely honest with my feelings, go see a medium, give away more, live with less, get a job I love and that pays the bills,organize and print my pictures, make sure all my files are backed up properly, meditate regularly and love more...

What do you plan on doing?
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