Wednesday, December 2, 2009


so im currently sitting in the trophy room at our school!
it is the SINGLE most depressing thing in the entire world.
there is a total of like 30 trophies. and as craig put it... "they are all about the size of those plastic trophies i got in third grade soccer."

on a less depressing note:
I GOT MAIL! its because i haven't checked my mailbox for ages, but it still makes me happy!

Also. it is raining here. i literally woke up this morning and was like "hey!! its not raining!" but then i took a nap after class and guess what? IT STARTED RAINING. ugh. there has to be an explanation for this! it never rained in N.J. so maybe.. there is like a rain standard. and because it doesnt rain in nj everyday, it means that it has to rain in other places, like little depressing st marys, where it rains like EVERY DAY. ugh. im so tired of rain!

but at least i got mail!

oh also did i mention? the lights in the great room (our cafeteria) went out yesterday during dinner. it was pretty exciting.

i want a plastic keyboard cover for christmas.
i like that its "christmas break" here. not "holiday break" like it is in NJ

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your view of the Beautiful Chesapeake. That view comes with a promise of rain, many days of rain.
    In NJ (178 skyline) it's Christmas Break too.
    Keyboard cover? how about a Laura cover "rain jacket" or umbrella?


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