song im listening to right now: billie holiday I'll be seeing you.
so cute.
the past two weeks have been filled with not sleeping, stress, attempting not to stress, lots of pros/cons lists, lots of talking to different people about all my life problems.
the issue was that i was all set to go abroad, but then decided as a back up plan, to apply to be an RA. then i got selected to be an RA (so did craig) and there were alot of financial benefits, and i was like ahhhh. eh. eh.
and we had to get deadlines pushed back and stressed a lot of other people out.
in conclusion, i am going to spend next semester in Alba, Italy. (and probably the semester after that in Oxford, England)
this summer i am going to save money to: a. fix my macbook. and b. buy myself a decent camera c. get myself some decent luggage for my world trecking! so that i can take some kickin pictures while abroad next year. and also stay in touch with my family and friends and everything.
at first i was really stressed that i had finally made a decision, but now im really happy about what i decided. because i wont be able to go abroad my junior year, because really that will be my senior year... and i have to do an SMP (probably a photojournalism book about st marys county with poems and big pictures i take) which means you can't study abroad that year. so next year will be spent not in the U.S.!! which is exciting for me, because i have only ever lived in NJ and MD. (booring...)
the nicest thing is to have a plan. even if your plan goes incredibly wrong, its still nice to have had a plan.
i have alot of work to do.
-8 pg essay for english 350
-6 drawings for IVT
-weird psych assignment
but tonight im going to see the dress rehersal of Cabaret with craig!!
tomorrow i have a meeting with the career center to get my resume looking better than it does now.
and then friday i have a meeting with Ruth Feingold who is our academic advisor, about how i can study abroad and get all the classes i need in and where. stuff like that.
I am SOOO happy that i have finally reached a decision about all this. it was terrible to have it hanging over my head.
life is good.
off to dinner!