Alright so yes i have been out and about lately, but before i post my pictures from my travel-travels i didn't want to forget about my trip to Torino. The day before Craig and I set off for the Netherlands, I visited the Torino TV studios and Cinema museum. two separate places. The TV studio was awesome because it had lots of old technology stuff... but even cooler than that... it was the location where all of the TV shows in italy are filmed and broadcasted from. Everything from childrens shows to dramas to the newscasts. We got to walk behind the scenes of a childrens show being filmed, and sit on an actual newscasters set. Our group picture was taken on the newset to be one of those tiny pictures in the background on one of the hundreds of screens behind newscasters at the beginning of their broadcast. The best part, really though, was when we got to go into the back workshop/ huge area where they keep all the sets from present and past TV shows. Imagine a room the size of a couple football fields, absolutely filled with random props and sets and backgrounds... really crazy. fake tree houses, restaurant fronts, a fake castle, rolling hills, a guitar bigger than a grown man, a long slide, the biggest rockinghorse ever... and then also the work shop where all these things are made. it was a very magical experience to say the least.
Then we had a lunch break and i wandered around with James, Elizabeth, Nikki, and Andrew Smith. Somehow we started talking about the pigeons, which are of course, plentiful in Torino (as they are everywhere in italy), and James said he could pick one up. Elizabeth confirmed this, apparently its not a new thing. James being abnormally able to communicate with birds or something... randomly snatched at a nearby pigeon and it fluttered around for a while and then settled down, pretty calmly in his hands. I was of course completely freaked out, and started screaming and forgot to take any pictures, so James did it AGAIN (different pigeon this time) so i could get some shots. James is a man of many talents. And don't worry he washed his hands afterward.
Then we all went to the cinema museum where we went on a tour with a seemingly disinterested tour guide. He kept saying how we must all be bored out of our minds and want to go home... while really we all found the museum pretty interesting. It had a pretty sweet collection of vintage movie posters and i learned a lot about the Lumiere brothers in Paris and how films were invented. The museum was quite interesting and i would definitely recommend it, despite the bum tour guide we had. They were also having a temporary display on vampires and mummies, and had several life size props used in famous movies which freaked me out a little, but i still found pretty cool. It was the closest i ever got to celebrating Halloween i suppose, since by now halloween has to have come and gone, although im not even sure what day it was. On a brighter note, the museum also had some of the original starwars masks, like the one of Darth Vader, which was pretty exciting.
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