the first two are pictures from last night (sorry about the sideways-ness)... and im not in them because im taking them... we were all very excited. you should have seen us AFTER we all bought our ben folds shirts.
this is a picture of the tattoo i drew on craig in sharpie the other day. i would also like to point out... i took this picture from a camera phone. skills. haha.
NOTE: craig actually has nothing to do with the rest of this post... hes completely irrelevant
so yesterday i realized there was life outside of campus.
some friends and i drove to a metro station, and metro-ed into D.C.
then we spent a good 45 minutes wandering around looking for somewhere to eat. i would have called uncle chas... but i dont have his number in my phone. so i called uncle bill. who had no idea about restaurants in D.C. so finally we ate at some street corner which was kind of city-esque, and kind of disgusting.
THEN we got back on the metro, to find out that our cards no longer had enough money, due to our extra food stop.
anyways, finally we made it to the kennedy center and saw a wonderful concert by ben folds and the NSO POPS. and this old lady who checked our tickets looked at us and said "oh what a nice group of young people" and ahhh. it was so great!! (the concert not the old lady) we were five rows from the stage. Darren filmed alot of the concert, so i think its going up online sometime soon... he had an econ test this morning so, maybe after that. my favorite song was called levi Johnson's blues. haha it isnt out on cd yet.
then on the way home i had to stand up in the metro. which was annoying because my fingertips JUST reach the metro bar if i hold my entire arm completely straight. we were on the metro for 45 minutes. and for the first 40 i was standing. but alls well, and my arms are alot stronger probably.
mom and dad skip the next paragraph for your blood pressure levels:
then we got in the car. and tried to leave the parking-lot. but the parking lot guy wanted to make us pay ten dollars. and we were like...hmm... let us think about it. so then we circled around for a while debating life, and finally drove over the 7-inch road divider. this worked fairly well because we drove up on the pedestrian part, so it was lower. however there was not a pedestrian part on the other side, so the car just took it like a champ. we were pretty proud of ourselves for this great accomplishment. it was probably the highlight of our night.
then i got home and went to bed. and got up this morning and went to breakfast and ate toast and mandarin oranges and coffee and hot chocolate mixed together and went to my 8am sociology class and discussed "when people become human" as in like... are blind and deaf people considered human or vegetable? they have physical capabilities to process iconology like other human beings... blah blah ect. it was a fairly heated discussion.
and now i am going to give blood. AHHHHHHH. the posters for the blood drive all say "recycle life." which does not sound all that encouraging at all... because i dont really want to recycle my life. just my blood. some of my blood.
oh and of course...
it is raining today.
because my rainboots are arriving tomorrow.
go figure.
maybe ill go windsurfing after my illustration class. hurrah for wetsuits.
note to matt and jess: i want to go to philly sometime around november maybe?
anyway i have to go give blood. gross.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you all had fun especialy exiting the KenCen garage (hmmmm). Please call your uncle Chas next time (24x7) I was actually VERY near the KenCen and real food till almost 9:30 last night. My contact info is available through chausheer.com. Please put me and Sheila in your cell. You're a good do-bee to give blood. PS we know all about KenCen parking and can help you there too.