Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dutch curators and cold weather

guess what?
im sitting in class. fifteen minutes early.
this is partly because i spent the majority of my morning sleeping. and partly because i skipped lunch in leu of eating some cookies and drinking seltzer. this was probably a bad health decision. but it got me to class on time.

yesterday i went to a lecture by a dutch curator. it was awesome. she talked about this new way they have of archiving pottery. its kind of like a pop up book slash starwars projection thing. like... okay you know how in starwars there is that communication thingie that projects in three dimension. well... they had like pottery CAT-scanned at a local hospital so that they had three dimensional projections. anyways whatever. it was cool. and the lady had a cute accent.
her museum also has a lot of really awesome medieval paintings, and a close relationship with the MET which i thought was really cool. she said maybe we could intern with her if we are going into museum studies.

time-out for class.

so now i have a TON of work to do for monday (fridays class was cancelled) for my illustration class.
a TON of work meaning we got an instructions sheet that is two pages long and both pages are double sided and thats just what LISTS in bullet form all the work we have to do. basically i have to go read this entire book twice, and do a lot of background check information stuff. like listen to a bunch of interviews and read some poetry and sociology reports and news paper articles and also a case report. stuff like that. fun fun.

i need to go do work.
it is cold out.
i have a math exam from 6-8.
it only has six questions, but is worth one third of my grade total.
attendance and participation in class counts zero. this means some people can miss every single class... but come to the exam rooms and do well on their exams and get a better grade than me... even though i haven't missed a single class or T.A. session, and i always participate in class. this is unfair. math is unfair in general. the greeks are lame-os. (who had really awesome architecture)


by laura grace hausheer

ps- my hair has gotten really long. i just noticed this today.

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