Saturday, December 31, 2011

lovely quote

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. - Chief Seattle”

Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 was a fantastic year!

Alright, I am officially the worst blogger on the planet, but I thought I would write up some thoughts to accompany the end of the year!
This year has been wonderful for me, and I am really truly grateful to the people who made it that way.  I kicked the year off by flying to England and spending a semester in Oxford, where I traveled, learned a lot about poetry and gardening, and ate lots of scones with clotted cream.  I spent St. Patty's day in Ireland with close friends, and ran my first half marathon in Scotland.  Eventually my academic year abroad came to a close and I came home to work briefly at a local greenhouse, and then spent the summer working on an organic farm, which was quite an experience!  Craig and I celebrated our two year anniversary at the seaside with shopping, tanning, pizza, and sangria.  Then back to the grind with this past fall semester, and I joined a varsity cross country team. Running and studying took up most of my time and I also held a job as an RA, so I was very occupied, but managed to still keep my grades up- thank god!  I ran my second half marathon in the fall, and also became very involved with yoga at a local studio.  I had the most glorious 21st birthday which involved a couples massage, sushi, christmas lights, and a wine tasting with my lovely boyfriend.  And then the holiday season brought along lots of guests and activities as well as a much needed break from school! I celebrated with both sides of the family, and managed to smuggle the boy up to NJ to hang out with me for a bit.  Now I am all set to cruise off to the Bahama's tomorrow, traveling again to bring in the new year!  Really I couldn't have asked for a more blessed year.  Time seems to have passed very quickly, and I'm hoping this coming semester flies by as well, as I am feeling more ready than ever to be finished with my undergraduate degree- I just want to cross it off my list so I can move on (i'm so nervous something will go terribly wrong at the last minute and I won't be able to graduate for some reason)!!  Anyway for now Im just going to concentrate on laying on the beach and attempting to knit some socks with the organic wool I got for Christmas!

Hopes for 2012:
- Finish my Undergraduate Degree!!
- Successfully begin my masters program
- Become a certified Yoga instructor (ahh this is such a big hope of mine, but it's so intimidating!)
- Run a full marathon
- Go sailing at least once
- Eat healthfully

What are your 2012 resolutions?  How did you get through your last semester of your senior year of college?


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Schools out for Summer!

Hey Everyone I just finished 12 credits in 6 weeks! Thats what I'm talking about!
Now I will have more time to concentrate on:
The Farm
Other Stuff

Check out my Intro Digital Website here

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Reading List

Even though yesterday was officially the first day of summer (hurrah summer solstice), Friday marks my first day off of Summer classes.  I need to start refining my summer reading list...
The History of Love- Nicole Krauss
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith
Other Suggestions?

Languages Quote

” English is for business,
Spanish is for working,
Italian is for fighting
and French is for lovemaking”

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bethany Beach!

Ross was celebrating his 23rd birthday and Craig and I were celebrating our 2 year anni!

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