Thursday, May 6, 2010

summer lovin

let me first just say, i am sitting on a bench outside campus center, next to a fountain. and the weather is everything beautiful!!
seriously. sunny skies with a hint of wind, perfect day to go swimming down at the docks.
I forgot to mention it on here but craig sang summer loving as a solo with the seamen... for all their spring performances (which was a lot of performances). It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.

so drawing is done! only two classes left to finish, one this afternoon and one on monday!

I started packing up last night. because even though im not going home for the summer, i am going to have to change buildings, and my parents are coming up to take much of my clothing home to make everything easier for me. but last night it was the most interesting thing to be putting all my stuff back in boxes, because i couldn't help but to think of when i packed for college and all the expectations i had coming to st. marys. like, i had felt compelled to bring a lot of hair products, which in hindsight was ridiculous, because no one at st. marys gives a shit about what your hair looks like, and so of course my expensive hair products are still unopened. im thinking of donating them to my little sister. who has a lot more hair than i do anyway.
another thing that i noticed last night, is that i have way too much stuff! like WAY too much stuff. I have more clothing than a small clothing store. and i wear maybe 50% of that. so in an attempt to simplify my life and make packing for next year much easier, i am hoping to weed through my clothing this summer and donate most of it to charities or friends. thats my goal for when i get home to n.j. in june: donate clothing, and get a job.

alright im going to stop putting off studying for english and get to it.

hope everyones day is as sunny as mine

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is Laura. Congratulations on becoming an almost sophomore.


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