Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the system is down

i have been having a great week.
100 on a sociology paper, 88 on a math test. whoohoo. (this is good for me in math.. im dreadful at it).
last night i went over craigs and played canasta. i couldnt remember all the real rules so some of them we made up. I won. (this was not at all effected by the fact that i kept remembering new rules, which happened to alter my score)
and then this morning we went to the gym, and i ran/ elipticaled and he lifted for like an hour.
NOTE: i didn't have my ipod so i plugged my earphones into the tv thing on the treadmill, but i couldn't figure out how to change the channel for like 5 minutes, so of course the channel it was stuck on was like showing sesame street, which was kind of embarrassing but mostly fun.

then we went to the great room to get brunch and guess what?!! there was an outdoor book sale on the patio. all the books were only a dollar for hard cover, 50 cents for paperback. this made us really excited. i got like 7 books but didnt have any money, which didn't matter because CRAIG DID. hurrah for boyfriends. so then we got brunch to go (recently i am on a rice and beans kick... because beans have iron), and had to write down our student id numbers because the one card system broke down. alot of kids thought the world might be ending. we are all just a little over dependent on our cards.
anyways then craig went to english class, and i went back to the gym to go to an hour of yoga, which was really awesome. our yoga instructor talked a bit after class about this great cellist who played in Lenardtown over the weekend. it made me sad that i had missed it. i hope to not miss out on stuff like this in the future.

now i am excited to page through my new books. most of them are big huge books on artists with lots of two page picture layouts and only tiny captions at the bottom of the page. (craig found this amusing because all his books only had words... he said something along the lines of us being a little old for picture books, being in college and all) but i also got some really pretty old hardcover books called "adventures of the mind" which are collections of small essays from the Saturday evening post. i also got two fun reading books called "story of o" and "science, sex, and sacred cows." the first is a novel, the second is a comedy book.

i think i may go back to get a book of statistics regarding American children. which i thought would be very useful, but i couldn't bring myself to buy. im not sure it will still be there.

its a gorgeous day. and i am in an excellent mood.
it is officially fall because there are leaves on the ground.
how fabulous.

the highest in me bows to the highest in you.

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