everyone come to the dance show because we are awesome and practiced till 2 in the morning every day this week, so the least you can do is come see our show. What else are you doing, its a THURSDAY!
awesome morning, laid outside on the little beach all day. Went windsurfing, watched people surf and sail and paddleboard. got super tan. then went to the grind, got a mango smoothie, shopped at the hippie people stand but didnt buy anything because i dont really have any money. YAY! now DANCE show!
also... i am wearing an obnoxious purple leotard right now. mmm... lovely.
craig forgot to call me about dinner (i dont know how you forget to do something you do everyday of your life...? boys are ridiculous) so he went without me, so i made him bring me home a sandwich, i also got pink lemonade which is pretty sweet.
being outside today made me happy im going to be here in the summer because we do have a pretty nice beach area at this school, even if our administration kind of sucks.
I am trying to talk mom into buying me a new swimsuit.
in conclusion... DANCE SHOW. be there.
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