ahh it was nice to get some art up on my blog, since i've been working on it so much lately but haven't actually put anything up for anyone to look at. i may post more later, but we'll see if i have time.
In recent news, i am in desperate need of a haircut. But not as desperate need as craig is, since he is going to italy in a week and a half, and looks like he has a mop on his head. a cute mop. I also look like i have a mop on my head but i'm not going to italy for another four months-ish.
I have finished all the work for my IVT class! And hopefully i will keep my A average and be exempt from my Psych final. Which would mean... only three more classes to worry about!
Intro drawing i have an india ink sketch of sub atomic particles i'm working on. In Lit History I have to do some catch up reading to be prepared for the final, and in Studies of Lit i have to finish my research paper on ESL and get a portfolio together. Things are finally winding down.
Obviously this was the opportune time for my printer to run out of ink!
but the weather has been nice, and its hard to remember the days when it rained non-stop with horrible winds. so thats a pleasant thought, even though i haven't been able to take much advantage of the outdoors lately.
In terms of summer classes, nearly everything is settled, all my classes are scheduled to happen, and i will most likely be living on campus. and taking a 12 credit load, with the possibility of sneaking some time out of my busy schedule to go watch the outdoor summer concerts on friday nights with craig (once he gets back from Italy).
Summer classes: Text and the Photograph, Painting Fieldscapes, Educational Psychology
Next year, well this year really, Alba is becoming more of a reality to plan for, than a distant possibility. All thats left to do is, buy plane tickets, get my visa, and pack! (not to mention save up some cash)
I will be taking: Italian, Film Studdies, Religion, and Poly Sci (unless i can get my photography independent study to pass by some god sent miracle, in which case i will be taking that in place of Poly Sci!!)
Things I am excited about for Alba:
The truffle festival
photography opportunities
Colorful buildings
fabulous food and wine
Learning Italian
Live music every night!
Becoming a better artist

NOTE: my phone recently stopped working and im unsure why?
I was talking to my dad, and it turned off, due to lack of battery and now that it has been charged it refuses to turn on.
craig is taking me to the Verizon store tomorrow.
Speaking of Craig, C-men are performing tonight and tomorrow night, craig has two pretty extensive solos, he is going to be famous soon. smile.

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