Look how adorable! The UK has started printing stamps in support of ten of their threatened creatures. This particular hedgehog is from an animal hospital which is helping British wildlife. The hospitals name? Tiggywinkles. This makes me even more excited for my trip to England next year. smiles. Plus who doesn't love getting mail?

In other news, I would really like to go to a farmers market.
Its May! its time to go buy some vegetables!
I have to check out localharvest and see what is near by...
Also... school is winding down. two weeks left! (this would be more exciting if i wasn't taking summer classes)
Goals for this week:
- get all my paperwork straightened out for my Alba study trip
- drive to frederick to look at baby mice on thursday
- start putting together my final portfolio for ENG350
- Visit a local farmers market
- find my copy of my drivers history to finish my drivers cert.
- work on my endangered animals zine
- work on my riverboat identification book for IVT
looks like a busy week!
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