The hectic life.
Oh my god.
Seems like lately i haven't got a moment to breathe. Psych research paper finished last night and handed in. Eleven pages filled with comprehensive research all about the existence of emotions in animals. I worked all night on a project for my Visual Thinking class, creating a handmade book with hand drawn illustrations of Sailboats, and little written descriptions. At the end of the book I've included a list of nautical terms, like
Scuttlebutt The cask of drinking water on ships was called a scuttlebutt and since Sailors exchanged gossip when they gathered at the scuttlebutt for a drink of water, scuttlebutt became U.S. Navy slang for gossip or rumors. A butt was a wooden cask which held water or other liquids; to scuttle is to drill a hole, as for tapping a cask, that is the Navy's way of saying "cease smoking"
And then for my Studies of Language class I am working on a final research paper about teaching English as a Second Language, as well as a final portfolio collection of my writing works.
In addition I attended another pre-departure meeting yesterday about my trip to Italy next year, well... this year, in September. And although it heightened my sense of excitement, it also heightened my fear of being robbed in a train station. Ahhh Europe, please be nice to me, I'm new to traveling! Of course in order to be robbed, one must first actually have money (plus i have dreams of getting a nicer camera this summer). Which means... i must find some work, more stress to add to my currently restless mind.
Oh and by the way... its raining.
i don't think the rain is as depressing anywhere else, as it is on the Chesapeake bay.
In honor of me taking a ten second break from working on a is a list of things which make me happy.
Raspberry Lemonade

Handmade pizza's (this recipe is from readymade...)
Can't wait to do my own cooking this summer.

Movie nights (cuddling on the futon)
favorite movies: Paulie
About a Boy
Moulin Rouge
I <3>
Okay. now, moving on.
I have actually been rather inspired lately, despite going to bed at 3 last night, i stayed up for what was probably another hour thinking about my artwork and the next projects i would like to work on... I am really into the creation of handmade books. More for myself than anyone else...
I have aspirations of working on a book about my grandfathers fruit trees.
My grandmothers gardening, and canning skills.
A friends and family book of recipes (how cliche i know)
and I would also like to take a stab at writing and illustrating my own children's books.
We shall see where these ambitions take me when i get a moment to act on them.
I actually really love thunderstorms on the Bay. The smell is different I think, and there's so much wind and power and force. Getting caught on the Bay on a boat in a storm is both terrifying and exhilarating. The fear that lightning will strike the mast while rushing for shore, a real sense of danger that is missing from everyday life.
ReplyDeleteAnd afterwards, the sun comes out and the air warms ups, and everything is great.