Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hampton Court Palace

Today I visited Hampton Court Palace and its famous gardens: The Versailles of England.  The palace was elaborate and went on and on forever.  Today was sunny and warm, short sleeves weather, and even with the allure of the palace, all I wanted to do was spread out a piknic blanket and lay in the sun.  However, Im an Oxford student, which means i did not get to just lay in the gardens and soak in the sun, but rather had to go through the tedium of touring all of the hundreds of rooms of the palace.  Which mind you, was not the end of the world.  The home of King Henry VIII and his six wives, the palace contained beautiful paintings, tapestries, lavish furniture, a chapel, various courtyards, huge kitchens, and "much more". haha. no seriously it was pretty cool though.
The gardens were fantastic. Fields upon fields of manicured daffodils and hyacinths.  It was easter in floral form.  There were also several topiaries and trees and manicured lawns which we could walk on and lie out on; and fountains complete with white swans and koi fish.  I can say with certainty these were the most elaborate gardens I have ever seen in my life (200 acres of them i believe!)
Craig wasn't feeling well so he stayed home and slept all day. Literally all day.  Then I came home and made some delicious "get well soon" dinner for him (aka: chicken soup). haha. He is currently drugged up with some ibuprofin and feeling better.  I hope I don't get sick, it sounds awful!  Also I hope he gets better soon so he can get out and enjoy this sunny warm weather! 
Tomorrow is a twelve mile run for Kiri and I. sheish man. Im feeling out of shape this week from taking a day off in Ireland, but I know this run tomorrow will whip off those pounds the guiness and cookies put on.  Our half marathon is in three weeks! We are also thinking of signing up to run the Ocean city marathon when we return home to the states in April: it would be a great race, and give me an excuse to spend a well earned vacation with Craig on the beach (I know it seems like I've just been on one long vacation with Craig this whole academic year, but really we have been working very hard.  My classes abroad in both Italy and England have been more challenging and thus more rewarding than most of the classes home on campus.)  But anyways, we are keeping it in mind at least.  We'll see how tomorrow goes! <3

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