Sunday, November 15, 2009

me and megan are watching christmas shows on TV

friday the 13th
rainy and cold, wet and windy. terrible, overcast day.
Me and craig left at about five in Ross' volvo in the rain and wind, away from our cold and flooded college. We made it to annapolis in about an hour and a half, where we stopped and did some birthday shopping for his mom (whose birthday was on saturday)!!
Then we went to craigs house!!
Me and craig made (attempted to make) fettucini alfredo. while his mommy made AMAZING salad. Everything in his entire house is organic and local and i LOVE IT. anyways. so then we made craigs mom unwrap her gift from craig, which was UP! the movie. which we proceeded to watch during dinner. i cried the whole time. because i miss my baby Happy of course.
I got to sleep in craigs room, which kicked craig into ross' room. Anyway, in conclusion... i would really like an amish quilt.

Craig wakes me up early
and guess what? their shower has WATER PRESSURE. i think i had forgotten this existed. it was awesome.
and we eat breakfast and leave for DC!
but first we stopped at the farm.. which of course was beautiful. it was a gazillion stories of renovation. really a gorgeous place.
then we drove to the metro station where we metro'd into DC!
where we went to a random smithsonian art museum. which i had to DRAG craig through.
craig: can we go see some interesting art next?
laura: this is interesting art craig.
craig: oh. can we go eat next?
then uncle chas called and gave me a ton of really great advice about DC! unfortunately we werent able to meet up just because of busy-ness and craigs mommys birthday. but im sure we will be in DC again and hopefully we will be able to meet up next time.
so then craig and i metro'd to georgetown where we ate at a really excellent ethiopian restaurant!
we window shopped and talked about christmas and getting a dog and stopped at an expensive french bakery where we got chocolate mousse and pumpkin pie. then we went home. where craig taught me how to drive stick shift!! i stalled his car about fifty times, but we had a lot of fun. then we went home and were immediately wisked out to Indian food for Craigs mommies birthday!! after indian food we went home and watched a quamillion home videos which were adorable and nostalgic and embarrassing.

I bounced on craigs bed (which was really ross' bed) and woke him up, because who needs to sleep in when its gorgeous outside? So then i had amazing shower #2. got dressed. ate a fabulous breakfast of cheese and crackers and fruit! packed up the car. craigs mom and dad were coming with us because they wanted to see craig and ross' concert that afternoon.
craig was feeling whiny and tired... as you can tell from the following conversation
craig: dad can we take the convertible?
craigs dad: no.
craig: well can i drive?
craigs dad: no craig
craig: can laura drive?
laura: NO!
craig: can you drive dad?
craigs dad: yes
craig: can mom drive?
craigs dad: no craig...
so then we arrived back at home... and i went to craigs concert... where i sat with his mommy in the front row, and as usual made faces at the french horns.
So then i went back to our dorm room (freezing of course)
and megan flipped on the tv and guess what was on? THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS!!
we do not abide by the "no chistmas before thanksgiving" rule.

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