Saturday, November 7, 2009


Friday: class. gave a tour for megans recruit. went to the grind and got apple cider, found out i'm out of flex dollars. score. then craig and i wandered up to historic, called our friends Euri and Jon, and all went for a walk, ended up down at a little beach in Daffodil valley, watched the sun set. i think thats maybe the first time ive ever actually WATCHED the sun set. On our walk back we noticed that one of the fires in one of the fire pits in historic wasn't quite out, and i had the genius idea that we all come back later that night and have a campfire! so we all went to dinner and jon decided we should make baked apples over the fire, which led to all of us attempting to smuggle as many apples as we could out of the great room, which led to craig trying to walk out of the great room with about 40 apples, which led to us getting caught. however most of us got out of there with a decent amount of apples, despite craigs inability to be even mildly discreet. then we went to Ross' concert (trumpet not triangle.) Then craig made me put on LITERALLY eight layers of clothing before we walked back to historic, where craig started a fire in approximately three seconds. Jon, Euri, and Bobby met us up there and we all sat around the fire (which with jon being an eagle scout and craig being craig, was getting rather large) I kind of improvised at making baked apples, which came out alright. however our attempt at popcorn resulted in a flaming pan of black kernels which would individually fall flaming to the ground and burn out to black little ashes. We were eventually joined by more friends, probably around 11 of us. and then everyone started singing.
around one things started dying down, and most people left. Jon and Craig and I stayed and watched the stars on a blanket and looked at constellations and shooting stars until we could feel the frost seeping in through our clothes.

Saturday: Sleep in late. shower. Brunch!! Look at shelter dogs with craig. Run two miles. Rock climbing competition! (mostly the boys, but i went along as well... to look stupid) Fall festival (= moon-bounce. hurrah for honors colleges!). shower. dinner.

Sunday: fencing tourney in Annapolis! all day. art movie night later, if we get back early enough!!

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