Monday, September 21, 2009


so i have to draw a cartoon spread for my illustration class. it has to be based off this painting by Matisse, a french fauve artist. oh and i cant use color. it should be pretty interesting.

yesterday i drew this amazing like upper body tattoo on craig in sharpie. he loved it. he likes pretending he's bad ass. in reality he plays french horn and likes spaghetti-o's. the tattoo did look pretty awesome though. ill see if i can figure out how to post a picture.

Today i turned in three papers! and missed lunch. oh well. maybe ill go grab something from the cafe in a bit.

i would like to inform you about how environmentally friendly our school is. we turn off all our lights. like in the bathrooms and classrooms. all of them. also we have pretty sweet toilets that save water. speaking of which... someones townhouse flooded the other night. all their stuff got ruined. like all their computers and stuff. it wasn't because of the toilets. apparently the boys upstairs accidentally like hit a waterpipe and the fire alarm started going off and then five seconds later a bunch of water just crashed through their ceiling and started flooding the whole building. everyone is fine. everyones stuff is not. i wasnt there. it sounded epic though.
also the cars.
cars here stop for you. all the time. this was hard to adjust to... in New Jersey they would just run you over. here the cars stop if you are like... walking next to the road. i think that i am getting too used to this. all of us who live up north in jersey and new york are going to go home for thanksgiving and promptly get hit by cars. i am actually concerned about this. i think we may also all walk into doors when we get home. here everyone holds the doors for you. i dont think ive even opened a door since i got here. okay maybe like a couple doors. but its pretty crazy.

yesterday i swam a mile. against the current in the St. Marys river. it was pretty ridiculous. plus i was swimming with Nate, Andrew, and Craig. Who are all college guys in decent shape. every now and then they would all look at each other and start treading water to wait for me to catch up... which made me feel horrible about myself. haha. somehow they all swim incredibly fast. i don't understand. but they were very nice about it and kept asking how i was doing. in my head i was like "Omg i feel like drowning is a positive option, why in the world are we doing this? whose idea of fun is this?" but out loud i kept saying i was fine. the worst was when the guy in the motor boat next to us, Frenchie, said "alright well you guys are all almost halfway about now" i was like... lord help me, im going to die. but i didnt. i made it. and got to write my name on the ceiling of the windsurfing shanty in sharpie? i think im the first girl up there.
so then after we all got back... CRAIG WENT WINDSURFING. i have no idea how he wasnt tired. and nate said "okay so lets do this again on Tuesday and Thursday" i laughed. he wasn't joking. i think i will probably go with them.

also i am thinking of running a 5k. sometime next week in historic st marys city. why not you know? like i know im not going to win, but its for a good cause, and it will be good for me. plus...good karma points.

tomorrow i have an academic advising meeting i set up myself. tehe. i hope i dont forget about it.

If i am ever any kind of artist at all. and have my own little studio somewhere. anywhere... then i think i would like an old record player. and lots of records. mainly the Beach Boys and The Beatles, and some folk stuff... like idk maybe Peter, Paul, and Mary or something. also classical stuff. i like working to classical stuff. maybe i could have a studio on a boat. im thinking of living on a boat for a few years after Peace Corps. this is an entirely unlogical plan. i wont have any money. haha. but wouldnt it be awesome to in Peace Corps for two years, then adopt a kid and buy a boat, and have like an art studio on the boat... yeah? then you could like travel, raise a kid, and make art!! only for like a couple years until the kid had to go to school. and then like get a real life. doing some career sustain yourself off of. whatever. i have all the time in the world.

anyway im going to go get a soy late or something and sit in the courtyard and draw comics. art history is at 2:40. wer studying architecture of sacred places. like different religions and their places of worship and stuff. its really really fascinating.

i need to learn how to play guitar. why cant i play guitar?

i hope you are all having a wonderful day. and that your weather is as beautiful as the weather we are having here on our little peninsula.

God Bless Y'all Real Good.
(thats an actual sign on the side of the road here. i am not kidding.)

~laura grace

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