Thursday, September 17, 2009

green tea

i have been drinking more green tea than one person should ever drink. ever since i got here all i drink is either coffee/hotchocolate (yes its one drink, i put hot chocolate mix in the cup and then put in coffee instead of water) or green tea. thats it. everyday. every meal.
i have also been eating a disproportionate amount of stir fry. they stir fry whatever you want at any meal, just for you. for some reason this never ceases to make me happy, and so... i keep eating alot of stir fry. however, i dont think i have been gaining any weight, there is much to much walking, bike riding, and windsurfing.

last night was the opening night of Monks. our local bar. they let 18 and older in, and kind of just turn a blind eye about id's. the school takes drunk people back on a bus so they dont drive drunk, but its a 25 dollar fee if you puke on the bus. i like that rule. i didnt go to Monks.

i hung out with Andrew (who windsurfs) and Craig (who also windsurfs) at andrews townhouse with way too many guys. their house alone has three bedrooms with two guys each.. then their common room has a customized beer-pong table, and a big screen tv with alot of car video games hooked up, so im sure you can see the draw. i didnt feel like drinking but the guys are all real nice and chill to hang out with so i sat around and talked while people played pong, and loud music. Also they played this really violent car video game where they all leaned towards the tv and said things like "ahhh.. shoot him...SHOOT THE LITTLE...its his own fault hes not dead yet... STEAL THE COP CAR." also Quint was there. Quint is a guy who i used to sometimes run with until i figured out he is epically fast and speedy and i am not. Quint had gotten kicked out of his room because his room mate brought a girl home and so Quint had been at the town house through like probably 6 games of pong. he was significantly out of it. so he kept saying things like "the cop car isnt even fast yo, if i had a toga and a freaking mountain i think i would be a freaking priest. is there any freakin raisin bran in this house?"
all the boys got really excited about the idea of raisin bran, so they hunted down several boxes and whipped out some expired milk (its practically tastes the same when its in cereal) and then set about looking for some bowls and spoons. since they couldnt find either (its an all guys house) they decided beer cups would suffice. I have never seen a group of people happier about freaking raisin bran. quint was declared "the man" on the spot.
I also talked alot to this guy Reed, who actually was one of the boys who lived in the town house. despite being in his own living room, Reed was locked out of his bedroom because his room mate had gone out for the night, locking the door, and Reeds keys were left in the room. So Reed sat on the couch in the common room and told me all about "top gear" which is a british car show, and "hydrofish" which is his band, and this really horrible play he wrote for his theatre class. Hydrofish is playing tonight at a coffeehouse on campus. i think i will go see them and support Reed. who is a nice guy.

this morning i woke up at 8. went to breakfast and then went windsurfing. craig rigged me up the biggest sail ive ever been on... a 7. which i mean isnt a big deal if your a real windsurfer, but i was just starting so it was reallllly heavy for me to pull up. which meant there was ALOT of motivation for me to not fall off the board and subsequently have to pull up the sail all over again. At first i kind of floundered around for about 15 minutes and couldn't really get up, and was getting really tired and worn out, when andrew walked out on the dock and yelled "Laur If you want to come in i can rig you up a smaller sail, it would be a hell of a lot easier" this was all the motivation i needed to finally get up and going. i didnt fall down after that. im actually really proud of this. the boys are too.
i am growing oddly accustomed to wearing wetsuits all day. i look like i work at seaworld.

im also really proud of the fact that i went on a run yesterday after class/ before andrews. like a real run. it felt good. im going to try to go again today.

all my classes went well yesterday. woke up for sociology (which is more than euri, who slept through it and never came to class...), turned in a paper for art history, participated in illustration class, and sat there and smiled during math. I have virtually no work to do today, but i have some books i am reading just because. and i can probably get ahead on some sociology stuff.

people used to tell me i would stop being so excited about going to school after being in college for a cuple weeks, i dont know. im going on week four and i still adore this school.

Nate thinks we should have a family breakfast this weekend. "Family breakfasts" are when all the windsurfing people and friends (Brittany, Andrew, Nate, Colleen, Craig, Me, Charlotte, Victor) get together at someones town house and cook breakfast (always completely vegan for me and Brittany) and eat together. then Nate plays piano and Char plays guitar and harmonica, and we all sit around drinking wine or maybe champagne, or juice, (depending on what we feel like) and looking through Nates travel books or watching Andrews biking videos. Nate has around 6 huge travel books with big color pictures and little descriptions of all the countries in the world. We always flip through them and talk about where we want to go in life, or what good books we've read lately. We also sometimes have family dinners. they go about the same way. Andrew races mountain bikes. hes in a competition in W.V. next weekend.

I am giving tours of the school this saturday. this worries me. i still do not know the entire campus myself. i will have to read over my "peer mentor" sheet of things to say and things not to say. for example number three on the sheet says... and i quote "keep it real, the school is not 100% perfect, but admit flaws positively- ie: the school is in the middle of nowhere with essentially no town at all= strong bonding among students promotes a community atmosphere around campus.

i am out of green tea and i do have a book i should be reading, so ill sign off for now.

oh. i still do not have a facebook account! how great is that?!


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